Public Infectious Disease Surveillance

Infectious diseases pose a significant threat to public health, particularly in today's increasingly globalized world. Quick and accurate monitoring of these diseases is vital in preventing the spread of outbreaks. qPCR (quantitative polymerase chain reaction) is a powerful tool in this regard, capable of detecting and quantifying specific DNA sequences in real-time.

One of the most significant applications of qPCR instrumentation is in the monitoring of infectious diseases. It is particularly useful in identifying viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens that are difficult to cultivate in a laboratory setting. For instance, qPCR can detect respiratory viruses like SARS-CoV-2, influenza, and RSV (respiratory syncytial virus). This technique allows for a faster turnaround time in detecting and diagnosing patients, enabling public health officials to contain the spread of the disease more effectively.


Application  Scenarios

Application   Features


Sample   Throughput

Fluorescence   Channel

Public   Infectious Disease Surveillance

At-home self   detection

Safe, fast,   friendly operation design, accurate results, intelligent judgment of results


4 wells

4 channels

Enterprise   medical team self-test

Flexible   detection throughput, friendly operation, instant detection, accurate   results, stable and reliable, fast result analysis, convenient report   printing


16 wells

4 channels


3 chambers,48   wells

4 channels


6 chambers,96   wells

4 channels

Another advantage of qPCR is its ability to distinguish between different strains of a particular virus or bacteria. This capability is particularly relevant in the monitoring of the flu virus, which is known to mutate and change each year. By using qPCR, researchers can identify the specific strain of the virus, allowing them to develop more effective vaccines and treatments.

Moreover, qPCR can also be used to monitor the effectiveness of vaccines. By measuring the amount of viral RNA in a patient's blood after vaccination, researchers can determine whether the vaccine is effective or not. This information can then be used to refine the vaccine's composition and improve its effectiveness.

In conclusion, qPCR instrumentation plays a critical role in public health monitoring and disease control. Its ability to detect and quantify specific DNA sequences in real-time makes it an invaluable tool in the fight against infectious diseases. By identifying and tracking the spread of diseases, qPCR helps public health officials to respond more effectively to outbreaks and prevent them from becoming epidemics.